stands for "Computer Aided Design." AutoCAD is a two-dimensional and three-dimensional design software produced by the Autodesk Company. It is a computer-aided drafting software program used to create blueprints for buildings, bridges, computer chips,
machineries & products among other things. It includes a powerful suite of features to improve workflow and create true-to-life maps, diagrams,
structures and schematics. AutoCAD is used across a wide range of industries, by architects, project managers, engineers, graphic designers, and many other professionals.
Autodesk Revit Architecture is an architectural design and documentation software application for architects and building professionals resolve limitation of 2D workings.
Building information model is the feature that make up Revit Architecture specifically designed to support architects and allied services.
BIM or Building Information Modelling is a process which cater and manage specific information in object form instead of lines and curves.
For example door or wall is a defined object, containing relevant information for Revit while AutoCAD store it as a group of lines or curves.
This capability makes it usable to all linked personnel viz. architecture, structure, MEP consultant, contractor etc. to work together using same information on single platform.
Unlike other programs, any modification in building is reflected in entire project thus making it less erroneous for all collaborators. Its associativity with similar tools
like AutoCAD, Revit structure or Revit MEP, facilitates planners to account real time construction constraints in advance.
At CAD DESK we will make you expert in the following topics:
* Introduction
* Doors and Windows
* Walls
* component
* Managing Views * Lighting * Ceiling * Stairs * Curtain Walls
* Ramp, Railing and Ramps, Rooms * Material Takeoff * Massing Visibility & Graphics * Site Design
Revit Structure
Autodesk's Revit Structure is a Building Information Modeling (BIM) tool for structural engineers, which associatively may work with Revit architecture models.
Revit structure is an extension in Revit architecture and used by design engineers to model or place structural components like beam, column, footing, walls etc.
as per architectural requirements. It can calculate loads and geometric constrains of modeled parts and can further transfer to analysis software viz. Staad Pro, Robot for design.
It can import analysis and design files also from various software to prepare component's drawing with accuracy. With the advantage of BIM, Revit Structure helps to improve
multi-discipline coordination of structural design documentation, minimize errors, and enhance collaboration between structural engineers and extended project team members,
such as architects, MEP engineers, and owners.
At CAD DESK we will make you expert in the following topics of generating:
STAAD.Pro is a structural analysis and design software. It is capable of analyzing and designing civil engineering structures such as buildings, bridges,
tunnels and space trusses, plants and footings. It can generate dynamic loads (wind, earthquake and moving) as per building codes of selected countries.
It envisage capacity to carry out linear elastic (static and dynamic) and nonlinear dynamic analysis both. It can carry out design of steel and reinforced
concrete buildings as per codes of selected countries and additional module of STAAD foundation can design all isolated, raft or piles foundations.
Biggest advantage of STAAD Pro is having a simple and easy to learn user interface that has made this software widely used in structural designing.
STAAD Pro takes two generalize approach for structural engineering and incorporate many analysis methods like static, linear, nonlinear, pushover, FEM etc.,
henceforth make it most preferred software in India and Asian countries.
At cad desk we will make you expert in the following topics:
* Overview of Structural Analysis and Desig.
* Geometry creation Methods. * Supports Assignment * Loading * Understanding & Calculating Building Loads. * Introduction to Floor load & Live load as peri5875-1&II
* Introduction to RCC Design As per 15456. * Wind Load Design As per IS 875III. * Calculation of Wind load as per IS 875 Part 3. * Seismic Analysis & Design as per IS-1893.
* STEEL Design in STAAD Pro As Per IS-800 * FEM Modelling in STAAD.Pro.
Revit MEP
Autodesk Revit MEP software is the building information modeling (BIM) solution for mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) engineers, providing purpose-built tools for building systems design and analysis.
With Revit MEP, engineers can make better decisions earlier in the design process because they can accurately visualize building systems before they are built.
The software's built-in analysis capabilities helps users create more sustainable designs and share designs using a wide variety of partner applications, resulting in optimal
building performance and efficiency. Working with a building information model helps keep design data coordinated, minimizes errors, and enhances collaboration among
engineering and architecture teams. Autodesk Revit MEP is a building information modeling (BIM) software created by Autodesk. MEP stands for mechanical, electrical,
and plumbing, which are the three engineering disciplines that Revit MEP addresses. By utilizing BIM as opposed to computer-aided drafting (CAD), Revit MEP is able to
leverage dynamic information in intelligent models by allowing complex building systems to be accurately designed and documented in a shorter amount of time.
* Component Family. * HVAC * Hydronic Piping System. * Plumbing Systems. * Electrical Systems.
* Detailing. * Air Terminal and Mechanical Equipment. * Area and Volume Calculation * Automatic Ductwork Layout.